Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

2. A Graphical Masterpiece

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Simply put, this game is stunningly beautiful.

Despite a few noticeable downgrades from the E3 2018 footage, seeing the sunrise over the rolling hills will never get old. No matter what time of day it is or what the weather is like, half the fun of Ghost of Tsushima is just pausing to take in the scenery.

The particle and lighting effects are by far what stands out most with swirls of leaves or petals being kicked up by the wind as the moonlight breaks through the forest of bamboo shoots.

Normally graphics in a video game aren't necessarily important but when the studio is going for cinematic accuracy then the visuals do play a key role in achieving that immersion. The game can even be played entirely in black and white to further allude to that classic Kurosawa style.

It may call for two separate playthroughs, one utilizing the "Akira filter" and one to admire the amazing lighting and vivid colours.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.