Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

4. Jin's Interactions With Nature

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sucker Punch Productions

As soon as Sucker Punch revealed that you could pet foxes in this game it became an instant must-have for animal lovers.

While Ghost of Tsushima can be a nitty-gritty world full of death and despair, the adorable critters that roam its fields are a joyous delight. Many fields are full of roaming dear, clusters of birds, and the occasional angry bear.

Nothing could be more visually satisfying than fighting off bandits in the dead of night as swarms of fireflies swirl around Jin. Not only are the animals of Tsushima majestic to behold but some of the critters are actually incredibly helpful.

Every so often, Jin can be guided to unexplored discoveries by following the cheerful chirp of particular birds. The bird can lead you to any number of things making it an exciting surprise each time.

Each of the animals conveys a deep connection to Japanese folk-lore complete with the popular depiction of foxes being very spiritual creatures. If Jin happens to find a fox out in the world he can follow them to find a shrine he can pray at for rewards.

Did I mention you can pet the foxes? Because you can pet the foxes.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.