Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Reasons It's The PS4's Best Open-World Game

5. Freedom Of Progression

Ghost of Tsushima Open World
Sucker Punch Productions

Speaking of exploration, Ghost of Tsushima actively encourages it with how it lays out its story.

While the opening segment of the game feels very linear, Jin is soon opened up to the whole island of Tsushima. Objectives are presented on the bottom right of the map and can be completed in any order. Indicated by a gold marker, the main scenarios will need to be completed in order to progress in the campaign.

Other missions include side missions, legends, and outposts that can also be found on Jin's travels or by speaking with townsfolk to learn of clues to their general direction.

Even when in several of the side missions, the player has the option to explore the surrounding area and maybe complete a shrine or two before moving on to the next objective.

Some of the game's best abilities also come from completing the legends and side missions. All of these are entirely optional but are essential in improving Jin's skills to take on the increasingly more difficult set of foes.


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