Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Samurai Films You MUST Watch After Finishing The Story

8. The Hidden Fortress (1958)

13 Assassins Toho
Toho Studios

The Hidden Fortress came out during the peak of Kurosawa when the director was releasing a groundbreaking film once every couple of years. However, while the film itself would go on to become a noted classic of the jidaigeki genre, it wasn't immediately met with acclaim.

Despite a bumpy launch, The Hidden Fortress was once again an impressive feature that went on to inspire some unusual titles. The film showed Kurosawa taking a more action-based approach with his filmmaking. It stars Toshiro Mifune - who was frequently the lead in the films of Kurosawa during the fifties - and it shows off action alongside subtle humour and commentary on war.

It also inspired 1977's Star Wars. So there's that too.

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