God Of War: 10 Helpful Secrets You Need To Know

4. Go Back Home After The Ending

God Of War

We won't spoil what happens here, but once the adventure is over, you need to go back to the house one last time.

After the gut-punch ending that God of War delivers, you wouldn't be hard-pressed to think that the game doesn't have any more surprises in store for you. You'd be very very wrong.

Going back to Kratos and Atreus' house after the credits roll will result in an event that shows us that Cory Barlog and the team at Sony Santa Monica have at least one big idea for how the future of the God of War franchise will pan out.

To those worried that the return of Kratos might just be a one time thing to wrap up his story for good, seeing this secret ending won't only put your mind at ease, but actively make you excited for the next game in the series no matter how far off it might be.

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God of War
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.