God Of War PS4 Review: 8 Ups & 1 MINOR Down

1. A Revolutionary Camera System

God Of War

Seen in the likes of Metal Gear Solid V as Hideo Kojima challenged his team to create cutscenes that could be "filmed" all in one "take" i.e. no cutaways, God of War is the first game to do its ENTIRE 18-20 hour journey in one continuous shot.

The result is something that ensures you're always immersed; always engaged and always ready for the next plot beat. Cutscenes become gameplay, become cutscenes again, no matter the level of action, character insight or framing of heroes and villains in the scene.

It's quite remarkable, and again, like Uncharted 4's jeep chase sequence, is indicative of how gaming can push the boundaries of cinematography and filmmaking beyond that of even film itself.

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