Gotham Knights: How The Bat Family Recovered After Batman's Death

The Night Of Owls

Court of Owls
DC Comics

As we all know, the Court of Owls will play a major role in Gotham Knights, and may indeed be the ones responsible for Batman’s absence. During the Court of Owls comic line, Bruce was kidnapped and mentally tortured for days at the hands of the Court in the hopes of breaking him.

No one really knew how to react, as even Batman himself had reassured them that the Court was nothing more than a myth. Everyone felt helpless, and desperately clung to the Bat-signal hoping that Bruce would find his way back. Thankfully, players will likely be able to take a more direct approach rather than waiting for Batman to return.

Meanwhile, the Bat-Family each had their own battles against the onslaught of Court assassins known as Talons. Batgirl, Red Hood, and Nightwing all had to face some of the deadliest warriors in history and each narrowly escaped with their lives. These Talons were not mere husks, either, but had full consciousness and awareness despite being reanimated corpses.

The most troubling aspect of this - which hopefully we will get to see explored in the game - is that Dick Grayson is a descendant of the assassins, with his childhood home Haly’s Circus acting as a breeding ground for new recruits.

With the information getting out that Nightwing was somehow linked to this deadly force there was a natural aura of distrust that built up among the heroes, with even Dick himself even having doubts about his involvement. This could lead to some of the Knights showing animosity towards Dick, causing some in-fighting to make things even morse tense.

Alongside this distrust, in order to incapacitate these enemies, even the noblest of heroes had to resort to extreme measures, often uses what would normally have been deemed lethal force. This no doubt had a severe psychological effect on many of them and was a decision they had to make without their mentor's guidance.

Second-guessing each other as well as having to deal with potentially taking another life would be great situations to explore in a game where the traditional voice of reason is gone.


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