Grand Theft Auto 6: 8 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know About

5. With Eva Mendes As The Voice

GTA VI 6 eva mendes

Eva Mendes has the right combination of sass and talent to play a Grand Theft Auto protagonist, so let's hope there's some substance to this bit of online gossip.

According to tech website TweakTown, Rockstar Games has the actress in its crosshairs as a potential voice star for GTA 6.

While this sounds like a good fit on paper, and GTA has enough pedigree to attract A-listers, the source neglects to mention where it got its information from.

That hasn't stopped other outlets from picking the rumour up, but further adding to the uncertainty, the source also predicted that GTA 6 would be announced in September last year alongside the PS4 Pro, which it obviously wasn't.

Sort this rumour into the 'nice idea, probably never gonna happen' pile.

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