4. Interactive A.I 
Another common feature in Skyrim that has also been incorporated by Rockstar in past titles was interactive A.I. In Skyrim, you could walk up to anyone you encountered and open dialogue with them. Some of it would be trivial, banal and repetitive, like asking the barkeeper what the "rumours in town are" in order to extract information for side quests like killing a dragon. Others would be quite expansive and even necessary for completing missions. San Andreas used a similar feature, albeit much, much more basic. Then, pedestrians would occasionally shout something at you or comment on your attire, which you could respond to by pressing left or right on the d-pad. Pressing left made your character reply with some snappy retort, like "Go F*** yourself", whilst pressing right led to responding positively. Then, in GTA IV, interactive A.I became more prevalent. You could track down "persons of interest" marked by a blue person icon on the map. These people of interest, when communicated with, would send you on errands, such as stealing cars or even murdering someone. But what if we expanded this feature even more? Talking to a random citizen in the street could open up side quests, or we could even be accosted by someone looking for a fight in the same way bandits picked fights with us in Skyrim. Depending on how we replied could mean the difference between getting involved in a random brawl or walking away with our heads held high.