Grand Theft Auto V: 5 Things We Would Love To See

3. Return of the Transfender

GTA V: 5 Things I'd love to see. In San Andreas, the transfender was - simply put - awesome. The game allowed you to modify tons of vehicles in a variety of ways. Whether that meant by adding spoilers or nitrous, the choice was yours. That functionality has since been removed, and in my mind, that's a serious shame. How epic would it be if vehicle modification made a resurgence for GTA: V? Especially since, yes, Rockstar have promised fans a "racing-like experience" when it comes to driving this time around (more about that in my video). Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that it'd be a real waste if Rockstar added a ton of beautiful cars and didn't give us the chance to modify the heck out of them.

2. Animals That Serve A Purpose

GTA V: Animals I recently wrote an article that highlighted some of the possibilities animals might bring to the table if Rockstar decide to give them an actual purpose. So far we've glimpsed a whole host of wonderful creatures by means of screenshots and such, but it'd be absurd if they didn't serve an actual function and were just there to be shot or stabbed. Yes, unlike the marine creatures in San Andreas, it's likely that these ones will actually get in your way. So picture being ripped to pieces by a rottweiler, or eaten whole by a shark. Yes, please.

My name's Faheem and I'm a big GTA fan - and have been for quite a while now. I run a YouTube channel entirely dedicated to Grand Theft Auto V and the 'awesomeness' it'll have! If you're a GTA V fan - check it out -