GTA: 10 Best Secret Missions EVERYONE Missed

9. Under The Influence - GTA: Online

gta online under the influence

To some, GTA: Online's looser mission structures and encouraging of all-out improvised carnage has become the spiritual successor to how we played the original games.

With Rockstar steering headlong into scripted set-pieces and comedy sketches, sometimes you just need to go online with a mission describing a vehicle that needs stealing, and figure it out as you go along.

With that in mind, some of the coolest missions get triggered as if by accident, and you'll only get given Under the Influence if you ring Agatha Baker after getting drunk yourself.

Now, the mission itself is super bland - you're literally picking up a fancy Vagner car and hightailing it back to a drop-off point, but the sheer randomness of triggering this while drunk means you probably missed it.

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