GTA: 10 Best Secret Missions EVERYONE Missed

8. Basketball - GTA: San Andreas

gta san andreas basketball

Until very recently I thought it was common knowledge that San Andreas included a high-score basketball minigame, but the more you talk to old-school GTA fans, the more people totally missed out.

The reason though, seems to relate to one of the many missions or overlapping triggers in San Andreas' code, either making the basketballs disappear from their respective hoops, or meaning you can't pick them up anymore.

A guaranteed way to play ball in San Andreas is to use the hoop right next to Sweet's house, at the very beginning of the game. You can shoot from afar getting 1 or 2-pointers, rack up a score within a time limit and even do some slam dunks if you take a run-up and then press shoot.

Who even NEEDS NBA 2K??

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