GTA 6: 10 Core Innovations It Needs To Stay Interesting

8. The Empire Business

Second of the portable GTA's; Vice City Stories did include a micro-management minigame of sorts that allowed you to allocate funds into certain aspects of an ever-growing business, as well as deploying yourself to sort out any ne'er-do-wells should they need a good kicking for not paying up. However since then with the bigger-screen versions of the game, that idea has been all but scrapped, save for randomly purchasing some businesses and forever dooming yourself to a lifetime of text-reminded fetch-quests. As Walter White proved in the exemplary Breaking Bad, the next step up from being in the money business, is the empire business. We did get a taste of what a true change of living conditions felt like in Vice City, ending up in Diaz's mansion by game's end, and renaming it The Vercetti Estate, although for the vast majority of protagonists by the time the credits roll and we're dumped back in the game's sandbox, aside from an amazing series of spectacles and events, has anything really changed for that character? Without going into spoilers it can easily be said that by the end of GTA V all three protagonists are essentially in the same situation as before, aside from coming into a vast amount of money of course. Their stature however, and placement within their respective city, has not changed whatsoever. These faux-'underdog' stories do work a treat in the classic rags-to-riches sort of way, however should Rockstar implement the above ideas into a game and all the separate threads of a main story arc converged whilst you had an entire business reputation on the line, it would exponentially increase your involvement in whatever overblown scenario they could conjure as a final mission.
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