GTA 6: 10 Core Innovations It Needs To Stay Interesting

5. Environmental Destruction

PS2's Red Faction introduced 'GeoMod' technology back in 2001, showcasing a new game engine that allowed for players and enemies to blast the living daylights out of the scenery surrounding them. It's something that Battlefield has taken on board in the years since, and when their servers are in working order Battlefield 4 is a cocktail of concrete-dust and wildfire brought about by players the world over refusing to let something like a brick wall get in the way of their next revenge-kill. One of the biggest draws to the sandbox genre is in essence that aspect of DIY-ing the missions to your own means. Any who have played a GTA game remember the time they were killed by an enemy, only to save up the cash to purchase a few extra grenades or a flamethrower before starting the mission again, and turning the tide back in their favour. By applying this idea to a destructible gameworld, it's not too far a cry to imagine rigging a building to collapse on an otherwise unsuspecting foe, where previously they would have gotten the drop on you. We've seen Rockstar up their game when it comes to vehicular destruction in each GTA title, although we're yet to see anything relating to really making a literal impact in this way in the gameworld. Yes, of course it would take a mammoth amount of coding and processing power to create a city as detailed as that of San Andreas that also catered to the occasional ten-ton truck bursting through a shopfront every five minutes, but if that's not what next-generation consoles are for, then I don't know what is.
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