GTA 6: 10 Crazy Rumours You NEED To Know

8. You’ll Play As Multiple Generations

Gta 6 gta iv

There's a lot of chatter on social media about exactly who players will be destroying the map as in GTA 6. According to some rumours (like those reported by GamesRadar), Rockstar has already code-named a character "Ricardo". He's believed to be a 34 year old Italian-American.

This is where things get really interesting.

Leaks also speculate that Ricardo's father will be playable too. His story takes place in the 1970s, which means you probably won't be assuming the role of his son until a few decades after that. If true, then GTA 6 will ping between different time periods, which could be tricky.

Fingers crossed it's true though. Games like Mafia III played around with the late-60s and early-70s to great effect, and Rockstar's panache for crafting atmosphere-rich worlds would likely top what Hanger 13 and 2K Games achieved there.

Plus, think of the soundtrack.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.