GTA 6: 10 Crazy Rumours You NEED To Know

5. Love Fist Are Back

Gta 6 gta iv

The boys are back in town.

It'd be quite the 'f*ck you' to modern gaming's more conservative nature if Jezz Torrent (yes, it means...that) and crew romped back for some more Love Fist fury in GTA 6. The band were a firm favourite in Vice City way back when, and their madcap Scottish glam rock antics would be welcome a second time round.

Maybe Love Fist's humble beginnings as a touring club cover band could be examined in the 1970s portion, or perhaps Rockstar would rather show their fading fame in the current climate. It's unlikely that all four original members made it through the 80s either, so who knows - they could have a new drummer, or something.

Some of the rumours claim that the band will be involved in some side missions come 6. Handling them delicately could be challenging for the writers, but it'd be nice to see the Fist back in action.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.