GTA 6: 10 Crazy Rumours You NEED To Know

4. Driving Will Be Radically Different

Gta 6 gta iv

Tech Radar reported that Take-Two had filed a new patent for “system and method for virtual navigation in a gaming environment” several months back, and people have been excited about it ever since. It's believed that this will make the way NPC characters traverse the map better, but that's not all.

Those pesky NPC's are now less-likely to bash into your vehicles too.

Some on social media also guess that the way players themselves control cars and other vehicles will be tweaked. Driving has never really been a weak point since GTA went 3D, to be honest (it's arcade-like and easy to get to grips with), but improvements never sound like a bad thing.

Hopefully, the fact that NPC drivers are more aware doesn't make getaways too easy though. Cars that are automatically programmed to get out of your way with lightning-fast reaction speeds doesn't sound that realistic, or like it'd add any challenge.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.