GTA 6: 10 Crazy Rumours You NEED To Know

2. You Can’t Carry Every Weapon

Gta 6 gta iv
Rockstar Games

This is another rumour from the same GamesRadar article examined earlier, and it's a follow up for the car nuts out there. Unlike previous games in the series, it doesn't look like GTA 6 will let your protagonists walk around with six/seven guns on their person.

Instead, you'll have to use a "personal vehicle" to store away most of them.

This sounds pretty similar to the lighter system Red Dead Redemption 2 used - there, your trusty horse had bags attached to its body, and you could use them to swap out Arthur Morgan's guns of choice. Big Arthur could still carry around a lot of metal though, to be fair.

"Ricardo" and pals might not have the same strength, but this feeds realism. Bigger weapons like rocket launchers or mini-guns would have to be tucked away in the trunk of your car, then summoned at the right times when you want to use them.

It'll be amusing to see how Rockstar handle this without it feeling clumsy.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.