GTA 6: 10 Crazy Rumours You NEED To Know

1. Time Travel?!

Gta 6 gta iv

OK, now this is weird.

This is a rumour that was first reported years ago by Christian Today, but it just won't go away.

The idea that GTA 6 will include time travel mechanics seems to pop up whenever people discuss the latest GTA 6 rumours. Could it happen? Well, maybe.

Rockstar have already allowed for jetpacks and flying cars in GTA 5, so they might be open to going all out there and scripting some barmy side missions that see players taken to a separate, fantasy area. Or, they could release this as post-launch DLC, Online content or something like that.

If you're thinking this all sounds very Saints Row, then you're correct. THQ and Deep Silver went mad with silliness in that series. Some believe there's a chance Rockstar will follow their lead, which is crazy to think about.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.