GTA 6: 10 Things Fans Most Want To See

6. Character Customisation That Matters

gta v trevor

What is the point of customising your character, buying clothes and accessories and whatnot, only for them to re-dress themselves the second you switch to another?

The main point is customisation should stay, no matter what. Yes, Rockstar are trying to convey that these characters have a life outside of you piloting them around, but why not make this a toggle in the game's options? Either have it so customisation is locked to the whims of the A.I., or that the player can dictate.

The second half of this, is that clothing should matter across the board. Back in San Andreas there were a number of stats and sliders that would determine if certain gangs would attack you - mainly dependant on how much green (Grove Street's colours) was on your apparel.

Obviously, not every GTA is going to feature a gangbanger or a character whose identity is routed in the environment, but making the effort to engage with the myriad of customisation options on offer should have some sort of effect on gameplay.

Whether that means NPCs in the world respond differently, certain chunks of the world are easier to navigate with less hostility - or a different ability entirely - give us a reason to 'play dress-up' and reward the player in turn.

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