GTA 6: 10 Things Fans Most Want To See

4. Bring Back Celebrity Voiceovers

In the development for GTA IV, Rockstar said a very interesting thing regarding their former use of celebrity voiceovers, in that people "tend to hear the actor, and not the character." It's a very poignant observation, especially when said actor has a personality as big as someone like Samuel L. Jackson.

That said, following both GTA IV and V not having any notable voices whatsoever (save for Kenny "Danger Zone" Loggins as a DJ), it's high-time we saw a return to this original way of thinking.

Oftentimes, having a typecast actor get to embrace their most notable qualities only results in a more fun and memorable performance overall, and I bet if you think back to San Andreas, you can remember everyone from Axl Rose on the K-DST radio station, to chaperoning Sean "Happy Days" Ryder around as the hilarious Maccer.

Celebrity cameos that double as mission-givers or bit-part characters are simply part of the old-school GTA charm, and they're a notable miss from the last two instalments.

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