GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

8. The Controversy

GTA V Waterboarding

GTA has never been afraid to court controversy, create unflattering news headlines or cause politicians some sleepless nights. Back in the 90's, that arrogant swagger was what made the franchise cool. Sure, you could shoot zombies in Resident Evil, or you could run over people on the street and deal drugs in Grand Theft Auto.

Rockstar's media-bothering ways continued in 5. Remember that torture scene with Trevor? That had us electrocuting some poor sap, drowning him in the world's seediest garage and battering him black and blue with a wrench. Oh, and we didn't even know why we were doing it. The game just told us to.

Whatever form it takes, that kind of Tarantino-like scandal is welcome in GTA 6. By so blatantly ignoring the rules and never pretending to be the kind of game little Johnny can play when he comes home from school, GTA lets adults feel like they're 13 again.

Come to think of it, we totally shouldn't have been picking up hookers when mum thought video games still meant Sonic.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.