GTA 6: 10 Things From GTA 5 That Must Stay

7. First-Person Mode


Back when we were running over Gouranga monks in the original GTA, the thought of seeing anything more than the top of the main character's head seemed far-fetched. Then, III came along and introduced us to Claude. He may have been mute, but we could finally see his entire body, in glorious 3D no less.

It was special.

That same outburst of glee happened when Rockstar ushered in first person mode for the first time in GTA 5. Being able to experience the developer's ludicrous sense of style, mind-bending attention to detail and frankly ridiculous mashup of US pop culture from the eyes of our chosen protagonist was like experiencing GTA for the first time all over again.

We hope the FPS-like view sticks around come GTA 6. It'd be madness to take it out at this point anyway, and Rockstar could have fun tweaking it so players can easily switch between third and first person depending on the mission/what they're doing.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.