GTA 6: 8 Rumours We Hope AREN'T True

5. Time Travel... Yes, Really


There are many ways that Grand Theft Auto 6 could take the series into uncharted waters and, according to an outlandish report by ChristianToday, one of them is with the inclusion of time travel and other futuristic elements.

Ignoring just how ridiculous the notion of a religious publication scoring a GTA 6 exclusive sounds, this concept in itself simply wouldn't mesh with the franchise. Science fiction and B-movie themes are better suited to the Saints Row series and don't even come close to falling within Rockstar Games' wheelhouse.

That said, the threat of going to hell probably prohibits ChristianToday from blatantly publishing fake news, so maybe there is a kernel of truth to the report. Could the publication have gotten wind of a zany side mission in the sequel? It seems unlikely.

Perhaps the website's source let slip about a method of fast travelling across GTA 6's massive map and wires became crossed somewhere along the way.


Been prattling on about gaming, movies, TV, football and technology across the web for as long as I can remember. Find me on Twitter @MarkLangshaw