GTA 6: 8 Rumours We Hope AREN'T True

1. Released In 2021 Or 2022


Rockstar Games likes to leave it a good few years between Grand Theft Auto sequels. Half a decade went by between the fourth and fifth mainline instalments, and this time around, the wait looks set to be even lengthier.

But let's hope it won't be quite as long as renowned video game analyst Michael Pachter is anticipating, as the industry expert reckons Grand Theft Auto 6 won't see the light of day until at least 2021, perhaps even as late as 2022.

“I say it comes out after 2022. Remember, Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out eight years after the first one - so the idea that Grand Theft Auto 6 comes out before 2021 seems ridiculous," gamingbolt quotes him as saying.

Rockstar's past release schedule seems to back up what Pachter is saying, and since the studio is yet to break its silence on the next GTA sequel, he could well be right on the money with this one, which is a shame because 2022 is a long way off.


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