GTA 6: 9 Things It Must Learn From GTA V

7. Develop Memorable Side Characters

gta v lester

Even though most of GTA V's side characters were certainly great fun to be around, they simply didn't stand out in any significant manner.

Each served their purpose to the particular protagonist they were matched with, but with the exception of perhaps Lamar, none of them were noteworthy enough to warrant any reappearances going forward. Some missions were hurt by this, as some characters were downright irritating (looking at you, De Santa family and Tonya), leading to a mixed bag of enjoyment for missions centred around these divisive personalities.

Not every side character is meant to be likeable, but the majority of them shouldn't be forgettable either.

Rockstar's takeaway should focus on the importance of giving side characters defining moments and traits that make them truly unique from the rest of the cast. Perhaps it's best to reduce the number of in-game personalities so that the select few that are present can be better strengthened and prioritized. After all, there's no harm in lessening the amount of NPCs players meet, if it means those we do will always shine and prosper.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.