GTA 6: 9 Things It Must Learn From GTA V

1. Fun Is Important, But So Is A Memorable Story

GTA V trevor

When a game is as cinematic and open as GTA V, high-energy fun and a well told, memorable story is not only desired, but expected.

The single-player campaign had plenty of fun (excluding a certain mission involving cranes) and the storyline remained interesting throughout. However, the story itself wasn't as memorable as it should've been, leading to a plot that was undoubtedly entertaining, but didn't have enough memorable moments to truly stick in players' minds.

Due to the focus on building up characters and the emphasis on pure-fun, the game didn't let the story have those hard-hitting moments (outside of the torture sequence) that allow the story-line to rise above that line between "unforgettable" and "fun while it lasts."

GTA IV was too serious and the game suffered for it. Rockstar can learn with GTA V's 'too-light' approach that truly unforgettable stories have light and dark moments in them. Let the protagonist(s) struggle, let them fight, let them have fun in their criminal activities, but make sure the player can comprehend and appreciate the deeper themes that are present within the writing.

You may not need to include an interactive torture scene to get the player's attention, but it's a good start.


What lesson do you think can be learned from GTA V that isn't included here? Let us know in the comments!


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.