GTA 6: 9 Things It Must Learn From GTA V

2. A World That Promotes Interaction

GTA V torture

The Los Santos landscape provided plenty of potential enjoyment, but it lacked the interaction needed for players to truly connect. Going down to Vespucci Beach and seeing the weightlifters work out is an awesome detail, but the inability to work out with them hurts what could've been a seamless transition into the virtual world being presented to each player.

By any means necessary, allow players to be a part of the open world. Minigames like golf and tennis do help build up this sense of authenticity within the play space, especially when adding in the ability to take tour buses and see in-game movies. GTA VI needs to guarantee that players never feel that the gorgeous world being shown to them is just window dressing. Actual controlled interaction with these in-game areas and components make them way more real.

A lack of interaction between the player and open world makes the game appear more shallow than it had seemed previously. Mafia 3 was a recent example of a game that had great amounts of interiors to go into, but nothing to do in them, leading to a feeling of utter pointlessness in these environments.

Besides, how can players punch pedestrians without proper strength training?


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.