GTA Definitive Edition: 10 Biggest WTF Moments

8. Removing Originals From Sale

GTA Definitive Edition WTF

You read that correctly.

Rockstar has elected to delist the original versions of GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas from the PS and Xbox Games Stores. That, in effect, means that these Definitive Editions are now the only ones GTA-lovers can download. Unless you have the physical boxed copies and the consoles to play them on, you're screwed.

Sure, developers and publishers alike know that GTA is a cash cow, and they want people to buy these titles for the zillionth time (they're releasing a bloody GTA 5 port soon, after all). This is sh*tty though, especially when so-called "Definitive Editions" like these are in rough shape.

Some fans are already likening these versions to rough-around-the-edges mobile ports, and that's not meant as a compliment whatsoever. Hopefully, Rockstar can tidy things up a bit and make these closer to the original experiences that defined a gaming generation.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.