GTA Definitive Edition: 10 Biggest WTF Moments

9. That Framerate

GTA Definitive Edition WTF

Twitter is rightly confused that a 20 year old game like GTA 3 is giving modern hardware like the PS5 and Xbox Series X such a tough time. Don't even get this guy started on the Nintendo Switch version; yours truly almost purchased this collection on Switch for long journeys, but he's so glad he didn't.

YouTube it and you'll see that Nintendo's version is a technical nightmare.

In truth, gamers would be expecting some sacrifices to be made for the Switch port. On PS5 and Xbox Series X though? Nah, that's unacceptable. The fact that a game released in 2001 chugs along like you're trying to run the thing in MS-DOS is just too much to stomach from something with Rockstar's name on it.

Framerate drops are as alarming as they are common throughout the collection, and that's plain sad. This is something Rockstar needs to pay attention to. It's not like dissatisfied folks can race onto digital storefronts and buy the golden oldies.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.