GTA Online: 10 Reasons Why It's The Perfect Time To Revisit San Andreas

BONUS - More Game Modes

With the Capture Update Los Santos now has even more variety in case you get sick of playing the same modes over and over again. Even within Capture there are four different sub-types to choose from, featuring strange maps like 'All Abhorred' where teams compete to see who can get the most buses back to their base. Usually these matches involve fighting your way into the opposing stronghold, defending your own or charging headfirst to the centre for a showdown over some nondescript package. These are Rockstar's answer to 'Capture the Flag' game modes that pay well and focus on teamwork. I've found these to be effective ways of bolstering your kills. If you manage to find a well-covered area near the enemy's objective you can shoot fish right out of the barrel. They'll run straight for the goal and never see you coming. So that just about covers it folks. If this hasn't rekindled your appetite for GTA Online then it takes a better man than me to get the job done. I'll see the rest of you in Los Santos. Xbox 360 players can even add me if you don't fancy playing alone. Feel free to leave any comments in the section below.

English graduate with a massive ego and even bigger forehead. He is currently working menial retail jobs as a front for his quest to take over the Earth.