GTA Online: 10 Reasons Why It's The Perfect Time To Revisit San Andreas

1. It's Easier to Make Money!

Remember in the beginning when players were driving street to street holding up the two dozen convenience stores on the map? I sure do; each one would net you something measly like $1,500 €“ less if you shared it with friends. It was a tedious grind where the risk (being blind-sided by a brave pedestrian or a trigger-happy shopkeeper) far outweighed the reward. These days making money is a far simpler process. Each time you log on you can make anywhere between $30,000 and $70,000 if you know what you're doing, so that dream car or house you've been saving for will be yours in just a few sittings. Selling cars to Simeon and Los Santos Customs can give you up to $20,000 in a matter of minutes; so will a handful of podiums in 16-player races or some team wins on a deathmatch. Missions can score you a massive reward from the right contacts (Lester and Martin are the best; Simeon and Gerald are both cheapskates). In this instance the higher levels of other players will actually work to your advantage, since it's not uncommon to find yourself in a mission where the required rank is way above your own. The bigger the mission, the bigger the pay. Click "next" below for a bonus reason...

English graduate with a massive ego and even bigger forehead. He is currently working menial retail jobs as a front for his quest to take over the Earth.