GTA Online: 10 Reasons Why It's The Perfect Time To Revisit San Andreas

2. Glitches And Hacks

While this has already been mentioned the improvements to GTA's overall smoothness cannot be overstressed. Bad connections will interfere from time to time, but usually when someone kills you in a match it's fair; you're never pulling out your hair after being snubbed by a debilitating glitch. Also the insufferable grievance of disappearing characters has gone. I'm sure many of you felt the same pit of horror as I did upon loading up the game to find all your hard work was for nothing. I read about a fellow who put about £100 into his character for a garage full of fancy motors only to have it wiped away like all the rest. Bet you're glad you held off on microtransactions now. Along with the griefers the hackers have also been removed. I've heard some real horror stories about encountering a hacker but I confess I've only ever met one in GTA. The guy landed in a flying taxi, sticky-bombed my car, gave me a few moments to empty a clip into his immortal face and then sent me flying with a rocket. That was two months ago. I can't say I've seen one since so I figure Rockstar really are 'taking aim' at online cheaters.

English graduate with a massive ego and even bigger forehead. He is currently working menial retail jobs as a front for his quest to take over the Earth.