GTA Online Leaked Heist Footage: 8 Things We Learned

8. There's A 4-Player Minimum

Funnily enough, this beta actually allows you to play through the heist on your own, though this is reportedly just a bug that won't exist in the final version. Unsurprisingly, given the complexity involved in carrying out a heist, you need a minimum of 4 players to take part. This was rumoured to be the case, as the very same user who first managed to access this leak, funmw2, burrowed into GTA V's code last month and found that heists required at least 4 players and a maximum of 6. Furthermore, this has been tacitly confirmed by watching some of the heist gameplay linked above, one of which starts with 5 players, three of whom run into a van, and the other two of whom grab a car around the corner. If other information which was retrieved from the code a month ago turned out to be inaccurate or has been amended since its discovery (like the rewards for missions), this information seemed to be accurate, save for the glitch that allowed people to take it on solo.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.