GTA Online Leaked Heist Footage: 8 Things We Learned

7. Heist Planning

Funmw2 has continued to post about heists ever since he made his discovery public, linking to a Pastebin post on his Twitter account which read the following: "When you completed a heist you will need to share the money you got from the heist . well in Beta heist you only get RP ! because money will be shared via heist planning board ( 80% ) ! after returned to freemode it will ask you to meet with players who played with you in heist planning board to share cash . Rockstar right now probably working in how the cash will be shared and adding new scripts ( to access more buildings and have multiple terminals and vaults )" When playing this hacked heist mode, the game does not pay out any money, simply some RP and JP to help you level up, but of course, when the game goes public, money will be a huge factor of the mission. If his account is to be believed, it seems that money will instead be divided up on the heist planning board ahead of a mission, which certainly makes a lot of sense, and if Rockstar weren't thinking that way, they probably should just go ahead with it.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.