GTA V: 10 Awesome Locations You Simply Must Visit

1. Michael's House

GTAvscreen1 Now I imagine that this is not point that you expected to see at number 1, and I get your confusion. But home is where the heart is. And mine is definitely in Michael's lovely abode. This is less about the house itself (although it is a brilliant place) and more about what it means. Firstly, Michael's house is such a different safe house than you would get in any other game in the series, at least at the start of the campaign. Normally, you get a grimy bedsit and you work your way up the ranks to achieve such wealth. It is clear from the outset that GTA V isn't going to be the same old story. Michael has been there, done that and got out before he's got himself killed. The house isn't on this list just because it looks nice. I found myself having a sort of connection with it. Whenever I rocked up on the driveway and went in through the front door, it did sort of feel like I was home. I began to recognise the streets and signs that I was nearly there. And that is really the amazing thing about GTA V, that feeling that you are implicitly connected to what is happening. And that's why it's number 1. What do you think of the landscape in GTA V? Do you have a favourite location? Make some noise in the comments below...

Chris McGeorge is a 22-year-old author, who has passion for video games, films and television. Whenever he is not knee deep in a manuscript, he can usually be found strolling the streets of Los Santos or trying to wrap his head about a new JRPG battle system.