GTA V: 10 Characters That Must Return

2. Tommy Vercetti

Screen Shot 2012-12-24 at 17.06.58 Due to the various weird and wonderful supporting characters from each Grand Theft Auto game, I only allowed myself the option to pick one protagonist that should make a return to the series in GTA V and for me that choice was never going to be a difficult one, Tommy Vercetti wins every time. Although I had played GTA 3 by the time I got my hands on Vice City, I never quite felt the same about it as I did this later instalment, which not only expanded on every aspect of the third game, but improved on each of them too. The biggest difference in the two games was the narrative, something which was considerably better in Vice City due to one simple change, a tough, fearless, psychopathic central protagonist that could talk and insult business partners with the best of them. Tommy arrived in Vice City after being set-up by his former employer, Sonny Forelli, back in Liberty City and doing jail time for the Forelli family. Upon arrival in Vice City, Tommy attends a drug deal that turns sour and loses Sonny's money and drugs, who lets him know he will be wanting them back. Tommy's story truly begins here as he works his way up the ranks of the criminal world using methods of extreme violence, until eventually he becomes the most powerful man in Vice City, having killed Sonny and his ex-best friend and partner, turned traitor, Lance Vance. Tommy was a great protagonist because he was such a stark contrast to the bright lights and sunny weather of Vice City. Whilst Tommy was a very dark character, he was surrounded by one of the most vibrant and beautiful cities ever seen in a Videogame. Tommy should make a reappearance in GTA V because It would be interesting to see Tommy in a different environment such as San Andreas, as well as the chance to see just how successful his takeover of Vice City really went, with perhaps him now motivated to stretch his influence and help the story's protagonists take over this new area. Admittedly it is very wishful thinking to believe that Tommy Vercetti may appear in GTA V in this role, but it would be a great bit of fan service if he did.

I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.