GTA V: 10 Destructive Driving Games To Play While You Wait

2. Mario Kart

Does it count? Of course it does! Mario Kart's violence might be cartoonish, all banana skins and incredible shrinking lightening bolts, but it is violence directed at your fellow racers all the same. The fan-favourite games, which still rank among the greatest racing games ever made, despite their gleeful rejection of all things realistic just as other franchises are opening their car doors to even more life-like elements, also feature an eye-watering arsenal of weird and wonderful weaponry. That puts them in a minority of destructive driving games that uses more than the cars themselves as weaponry, and pushes them further up this list. And not content with adult on adult violence, later Mario Kart games actually also encouraged the player to target clearly adolescent characters. That violence is just as affecting for the players as the more "realistic" carnage of some of the other games listed here. Take this paper cutting as the perfect indication... A case rested.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.