GTA V: 10 Exciting Features We Can’t Wait To Experience

7. Radio Stations

GTA V Radio Stations

Perhaps one of the defining elements of GTA is the radio stations, but as any fan knows they are far more detailed than a couple of songs, they are brimming with advertisements, talk shows and era related station defining hosts/DJs. Many GTA clones have featured radio stations - the Saints Row series, True Crime series/Sleeping Dogs, Driver series and the Mafia series but none seem to be as immersive or well placed as Rockstar's radio stations. GTA V is set to feature a musical score during missions, like Red Dead Redemption, as well as a radio soundtrack. Each game has had an increase in the amount of songs also varying their order and the order of ads in-between. Many fans also admit to simply enjoying the radio and driving around rather than getting to a mission, something I would like to see is the addition of a portable music-playing device so your character can listen to tunes while going on a rampage, as Trevor would say, €œJust ignore the bodies€.

6. Submarines

Again another first for the series, submarines. Though only seen in a single screenshot, the submarine is a feature adding a completely new explorable section to the already reported huge world of Los Santos. The Game Informer article stated the world is detailed €œ€from the depths of the ocean€€ so this fact plus screenshot equals underwater exploration nuff said really.


Christopher Miller is a young gaming and movie lover. He is Australian and waiting impatiently for GTA V between playing with his chickens and sleeping.