5. Generally Being Immersed In The World
Though not strictly a feature, it is an important element of a game. The Game Informer article went into great detail explaining details varying terrain, advertising for products, worn patches of flooring in shops and pedestrians going about business and doing activities rather than being static or following a strict path of movement. All these elements are what make a video game feel real, a place you want to be, or place you wouldnt but can access safely from your home. Rockstar truly captured the feel of America/Mexico of the early 1900s partly due to the random encounters, or dynamic events. GTA V will feature said dynamic events and again will give the game huge play value.
4. Scuba Diving
Like the submarine, scuba diving is only confirmed through a single screenshot, but does it need more than that? The picture really sums up what the activity is (scuba diving), where it takes place (water) and what you can do (swim and see aquatic life). Rockstars drip-feed method of marketing reveals a surprising amount of detail if examined enough but still we are left to wonder what we arent seeing and have only heard about neatly leading me to my third point...