GTA V: 10 Life Lessons Grand Theft Auto Has Taught Us

10. The Godfather Was A Poor Representation Of How Crime Works

How GTA taught us this: When in The Godfather does a character fly a stolen government plane over a reservoir by the Hoover Dam filled with spy boats to destroy them all whilst being blackmailed by a government secret agent? Exactly; never. When do you see a character chase a mob boss to the base of the Statue of Liberty to shoot him in to an early grave? Exactly; never. Therefore GTA exposes the cruel lies of a supposed piece of literary and cinematic genius as nothing short of audience misleading whilst GTA takes you on a whirlwind of real world activities and scenarios that best prepares you for the crimes you will have to commit after you€™ve entered a new city. If GTA didn€™t exist we would... Still think of The Godfather as a realistic cinematic epic, as it is it€™s just 3 hours worth of lies.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.