GTA V: 10 Life Lessons Grand Theft Auto Has Taught Us

2. Prostitution Should Only Cost You The Energy It Takes To Beat The Money Out Of Them

How GTA taught us this: After my many back alley sexual liaisons in a stolen car with a prostitute named Shanghai Desire (one of those instances where art does imitate life) I would look at my money bar (and wallet) and see the violent decrease in funds. After personally deciding that that was quite a bit of cash for the novelty of seeing a badly animated car bounce up and down, many GTA players exact vengeance on the money thieving, not so happy ending giving prostitute because hey, it€™s a game, we€™re allowed. The results is one of the most valuable life lessons a game, film, religion could give us in that there is a way to get your money back. Granted it isn€™t legal, but how much of that liaison is legal any way? Thanks to GTA, many men and women now get their happy endings for free. It€™s a real Disney story. If GTA didn€™t exist we would... Not use prostitutes...The horror. (Disclaimer: Neither myself or WhatCulture condone using prostitutes, or beating them to death afterwards.)

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.