3. Buck's Knife Hunt
Buck, if you didn't already know, is a right old bastard. He leads you on a merry dance (where "merry" = insanely dangerous) to look for some dusty old relic he fancies for his collection. Obviously, you accept, because it wouldn't be much of a game if you just walked around turning down offers. But what follows only serves to highlight the real joy of Far Cry 3. Its massive diversity. There's such variety in the level design and objectives that you could easily be playing the game's own sequel. The puzzle solving in the ancient catacombs comes out of nowhere, but you'll be glad it did because this is the best Tomb Raider game you'll probably ever play. By contrast, it doesn't usually take long for a player in GTA to say "ah, sod it" to the missions and just engage in a never-ending fuck-about of crashing cars and falling down stairs. Fun while it lasts, though.