GTA V: 10 Moments From Far Cry 3 Rockstar Won’t Beat

2. Vaas Montenegro

FC3 Vaas Did he ever tell you the definition of insanity? I think he probably did. Unquestionably one of the greatest video game villains ever created, he will mess with your mental health just as much as your physical. So immense is his impact that it even extended to the game's advertising, totally excluding the hero and person you actually play as. How many other games can you think of where the bad guy was used as the selling point? Not many, I bet. I couldn't even name a bad guy from the last GTA game, and it's not like there wasn't plenty of them to choose from. Ubisoft absolutely nailed this (as did Vaas' capture artist and voice actor Michael Mando) but it sadly doesn't make the top spot for one simple reason: his untimely death. Your character is higher than Felix Baumgatner when he fights him of course, and many speculate he didn't actually die. Either way, he didn't appear in the rest of the game, and that is a crying shame.

Ciarán Utting loves video games and books with pictures of speedboats on the cover. There's plenty more of his drivel on Twitter @CiaranUtting