9. Upgradable Combat Skills

One of the things I keep seeing around the internet is the hope that GTA V will see a return to the upgradeable combat skills mechanic that was featured in GTA: San Andreas. Although R* have announced that there will be less of a focus on GTA's previous RPG elements, I'd still say this one was a strong possibility; particularly with the appearance of gym's in GTA V's original reveal trailer. You have to imagine that the gyms were referenced for
some reason and with the revelation that there will be no fat/muscle/stamina mechanic, I'd say there's every chance we'll be able to visit one to learn new melee combat moves. There's also the announcement that melee combat has been improved. Now, R* have been keen to reiterate that the focus on gunplay is
still the core combat mechanic, but is it such a stretch for the imagination to say that there's a good chance we'll be able to learn new melee moves as we progress through GTA V's story?