GTA V: 10 NEW Official Announcements That Sound Completely Awesome

1. Evolution of Nearly Every In-Game Mechanic

According to the source, R* have worked extremely hard to evolve almost every in-game mechanic that we've come to know and love from past GTA titles. There's imporved driving mechanics;an improved melee system (although emphasis is still squarely on gunplay); new shooting mechanics; new physics; newly improved lighting and a further draw distance; better mo-cap. I mean, shall I go on, because the list is bordering on endless. Perhaps this is hardly surprising, given the fact that it's R* and every game they make seems to be a vast improvement on the last. But given the fact that GTA is already one of the best gaming franchises of its ilk on the market (maybe even one of the best gaming franchises on the market period), I'd say that with GTA V, we really are in for quite possibly one of the best titles on the current generation of consoles. So there are ten brand new developments for GTA V, revealed by R* themselves and absolutely steaming hot off the press. So let's get discussing! Is there anything you can't wait to try or conversely, is there anything you feel is missing? Do let us know!

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.