GTA V: 10 NEW Official Announcements That Sound Completely Awesome

10. Multiple Protagonists

We can all finally breathe a sigh of relief - GTA V's protagonists have been officially revealed. And for all the speculation and guesswork that's preceded the announcements, I have to say we were all generally way off. GTA V, for the first time ever in the GTA series I might add, features multiple playable characters, whom you can apparently switch between at almost any time in-game (complete with a nifty Google Earth style zoom as you do so). Each of these characters will have their own specific abilities and their own personal story arc, with all three stories intertwining at points. Who are these three playable characters?! Well, I'm glad you asked. The first is Michael, a retired bank robber who's in bed with the FIB (this is the mysterious middle-aged man we first saw in the reveal trailer). He has two teenage children and a p**s-poor relationship with his wife Amanda. The second is Trevor, who's a war veteran and according to the Game Informer piece a "drugged out psychopath". However, he's also an expert pilot and with the news that GTA V will feature Fighter Jets (that's right, fighter jets!) we're assuming flying them will potentially be his 'ability'. The third is Franklin, who's a morally ambiguous repo-man. In his mid 20's Franklin is described to be a "young and ambitious hustler"; sounds to me like a pitch perfect fit for the GTA Universe. And to top all of this off, when you're not controlling them, they'll go about their own business, whatever that business may be. According to Game Informer "you may be surprised by the situations they find themselves in should you switch back to check up on them." Unfortunately, there isn't much in the way of RPG elements in GTA V (although gyms are included so who knows, maybe you will be able to modify characters' bodies to a certain degree) although clothing customisation will of course still be a feature. So there you have it; come Spring 2013, these are the guys we'll be happily shelling out to meet. With the reveal of multiple protagonists, this really does sound like a GTA game like none before it, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it!

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.