GTA V: 10 Offensive Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

8. Click Lovers

Subtlety is not a strong quality for Rockstar, but the jokes are all over the place in the GTA universe, even in places you least expect it. Strewn across numerous places on the GTA V map, 'Click Lovers' (yes, 'click') is seemingly just your average, run-of-the-mill electronics superstore, specialising in home computer equipment. Only, at first glance, that word really doesn't look like 'click', and that little logo on the left hand side honestly doesn't look a whole lot like a computer mouse. I mean, it almost does, but let's be honest with ourselves here for a moment, this is Grand Theft Auto. Not helping the case for innocence is a related ad, just below the one for this fine outlet, advertising 'Surprise Facials'. Yep, we're onto you, Rockstar. It has to be said though, the moment you come across one of these stores is a fine one indeed, and worth a laugh.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.