GTA V: 10 Offensive Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

7. What Came First? The Chicken Or The Penis? Rockstar added a whole load of new tweaks to GTA V for the next-gen release of the game on PS4 and Xbox One, most notably the heralded first person view, which looks to be a keeper for the franchise. As anyone who hasn't died of penis overexposure during this article knows, they also added some testicles, y'know, just for extra value. In GTA V on the last generation of consoles, a strange face could be seen on the Northern side of Mount Chiliad, a huge mountain in the game. Doing away with such dullness, Rockstar elected to revamp the Easter Egg for next-gen, and of course came back to their beloved cock, literally. There are no hidden gems on this list which wouldn't have those pesky government types calling for the game to be banned, but what a way to announce yourself on PS4 and Xbox One, by being even dirtier.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.