GTA V: 10 Offensive Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

5. Gnomosexual Let's all just take a moment to bask in the beauty of that pun in the title, if it even deserves to be called that. Regardless, we move from penises to asses, in a manner of speaking, with a pair of delightful little garden ornaments which will both welcome and warn your visitors. Perched on the doorstep of a lovely person's house in Vinewood Hills, this pair of charming rogues are clearly caught in the act, but of what we're not quite sure (ok, we really are). We all had grandparents with garden gnomes, didn't we? Such recollection, mixed with this entry, will either have you drifting off into wonderful nostalgia, or be the stuff of nightmares. It's random little tidbits like this which fans of GTA love stumbling upon, gnomadically. Ok, that's enough.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.